Parents Guide to Bulletproof Backpacks - Bodyguard Armored Backpacks and Jackets
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Parents Guide to Bulletproof Backpacks

Bullet blocker bulletproof backpack fail - Are you being mislead by bulletproof backpack companies?

In the wake of school shootings bulletproof backpack manufacturers are cashing in on parents trying to protect their children, but how effective are these bulletproof backpacks and inserts against active shooters, and are these manufacturers overstating the ability of their products to protect your children?

The reality of modern life is that there is a very slight possibility that your child may be exposed to an active shooter. While that chance is slim, it is much greater when compared to a school fire. The last school fire fatality was in 1958 at Our Lady of the Angels School,Chicago. Schools have don’t a great job in preventing fires (building codes, fire extinguishers) they still have a log way to go in increasing security. While schools and universities are slowly increasing their security, it may be worth it to consider adding some ballistic protection to you child’s safety.

According to Damian Ross, Founder of Bodyguard Armor Systems the three most popular questions he gets are…

  1. What level protection do I need?
  2. What if you get shot in the head?
  3. How old does my child need to be in order to use it?

What level of protection do I need?

Not all ballistic protection is created equal. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has created a rating system for what body armor will stop. A few general rules – the higher level of protection, the more expensive, the lighter it is, the more expensive. Materials vary from aramid fibers like Kevlar and Twaron to Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWP), ceramic and silicone.

At the end of the day, you need to weigh cost, What it will protect against and if you will actually use it. Soft armor is flexible, hard armor is stiff and rigid.

Level 2 – soft or hard armor – stops handguns (shorter barre, slower velocity) 9mm .357 Mag, .22 lr (70% of weapons used in violent crime)
*This level is not used by law enforcement and security
Level 3A – soft or hard armor – stops ALL handguns (longer barrel, faster velocity) .44 mag, most shotgun loads (92% of weapons used in violent crime) *This is the level police officers wear on patrol.
Level 3 -hard armor-  – stops rifles 7.62 (AK47) and 5.56 (AR15) (95% of street crime)
Level NA (called 3+) – hard armor – stops rifles as above plus “green tip” armor piercing ammo) (98% of weapons used in violent crime)
Level 4 – hard armor – stops rifles 30.06 (100% of weapons used in violent crime).

Which level is best for you?
While the AR15 get’s all of the headlines, it’s still used in only 5% of active shooter events. The downside to this level of protection is that a set of plates can weigh anywhere from 9 to 24 pounds. A set of 9 pound level 3 plates may run you around $800, while a set of 20 pound level 3 plates might be $250. The difference is the wight or the material.

Compare that to a level 3A set of plates which weigh less than 2 pounds. The questions is… what are you going to use every day and how are you going to use it?

If you are commuting to work, traveling or going to school, you are better off using the level 3A. It’s lighter, much more manageable and you’re going to get more use out it.

When would you consider using rifle plates? If you’re only going to use for specific events, or limited time, you might want to consider level 3 and above rifle plates. For example, a lot of school guardians use rifle plates because they only wear them when they are responding to a threat. You might want to keep a set in your car or office as par of a Go Bag. Many active shooter response teams use rifle plates. You just need to evaluate your level of exposure and the likelihood of you’re using them. If you purchase a set of rifle plates for your bulletproof backpack and hate wearing it…it does you NO GOOD sitting in your closet.

What if I get shot in the head? 

OK, this a real possibility but an unlikely situation. The reason why police on patrol wear bulletproof vests and NOT helmets is because the vast majority of fatal gunshot wounds occur in the center of your torso and back (over 80%). Other than the getting shot in the base of the skull, major artery or airway, you have a very good chance of survival. When people fire a weapon it is generally aimed straight way from the body in the center of your chest – and that’s where the round will go.

While people will post these comments trying to be “cute” the reality is, if you’re wearing ballistic protection over your vitals, you’re a lot better off than they guy with no protection who likes to be smart on instaface.

How old does my child need to be in order to use a bulletproof backpack?

We recommend ballistic protection for anyone who has gone through puberty (or is of larger size)…and here’s why…
First of all, the ballistic protection ratings are for ADULT bodies. They allow for 22mm backface deformation. That means your child is going to get hit REALLY HARD. Meaning that the blunt force trauma will most likely fatally wound your child.
This level 3A backpack insert does the same job as a textbook or two.
Second of all, the backpack insert isn’t doing you much better than your average text book or two. While it’s definitely better than nothing, it’s doesn’t give you much more protection than you would normally have in your day to day carry.
And of course it does nothing to protect your chest….and this is where it gets crazy…and to be completely honest, what these bulletproof backpack companies are doing is, in my opinion, completely unethical and immoral.

Take a good look at the following images….(then watch the video underneath)

This show children holding a level 3A backpacks as shields. Even if they were shot with the caliber for which it

Bullet blocker bulletproof backpack fail
The US Company Bullet Blocker suggests using their 3A backpack like the above.

was rated – this will do NOTHING except possibly delay the inevitable for a round.

This isn’t Captain America’s shield. The blunt force trauma from even a standard 9mm FMJ will knock your child unconscious or worse. And the reality of the shooter taking only one shot is extremely unlikely.

Are you being mislead by bulletproof backpack companies
The “Armani” of Bulletproof Clothing Miguel Caballero suggests children use his level 3A backpack like the above.




The truth is, the companies should know better but are capitalizing on your fear just to sell you a backpack that isn’t going to provide much more protection than what’s already there.

The reality is, your child needs to have FRONT protection. And if you think your 5 year old (as pictured on the left) is going to have the presence of mind to even think of doing this during an active shooter event…you’re placing a lot of faith in something that simply isn’t going to happen.


What does it look like when you shoot a level 3A bulletproof backpack?

We went out to the range and did some testing….

You can see, even though the level 3A bulletproof backpacks technically STOPPED the rounds, it caused a significant amount of damage. Now image your grammar school age child trying to hold onto that backpack. Not only are they going to absorb the blunt force, but that backpack is going to FLY out of their hands.

What do we recommend for kids ages 12 and older? Level 3A protection that covers both the FRONT and the BACK.
What do we recommend for grammar school age kids? Make sure their school has adequate security and protections in place. I could probably spend another article detailing this, but it starts with armed security in place.

Body armor for your child is meant to work in conjunction with current active shooter response protocols and gives your child that added level of protection. Like we say, it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it an not have it.

Please pose your questions and comments below…


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